High mountains are almost entirely composed of stone, the layer of earth is small, there is snow on the tops. Trees and ponds are rare there, there are narrow waterfalls of water or lava. In the mountains there are cows and sheep, less often pigs, llamas and chickens. There are many useful resources in the mountains, such as coal and iron can even come to the surface. Only in mountain biomes the player can mine emerald ore
- Minecraft versions: 1.19.2 /1.19.1 /1.19 /1.18.2 /1.18.1 /1.18 /1.17 /1.16

How to craft high mountains
Here is how to craft high mountains in Minecraft. The crafting recipe specifies the required ingredients and their location in Minecraft.

Can’t be crafted
Unfortunately, high mountains cannot be crafted in the inventory or on the workbench in Minecraft.
What high mountains gives
Here is what you can get from high mountains in Minecraft, i.e. which gives High mountains in Minecraft.
Peaceful creatures high mountains
Here are listed friendly creatures that can be found in the vastness of high mountains in Minecraft, i.e. mobs that don’t attack a player in Minecraft for no reason.
Dangerous creatures high mountains
Here are the evil creatures that can be found in the vastness of high mountains in Minecraft, i.e. mobs that always attack the player in Minecraft.
Plants high mountains
Here are the plants that can be found in the vastness of high mountains in Minecraft.