Zombies are a hostile mob most common in Minecraft. Zombies smell the player and the villager for several blocks and start chasing them. Zombies growl and footsteps make them easy to hear in advance, even in caves. In the morning, zombies burn out in the sun and rotten flesh, rarely carrots or potatoes, can fall out of them. When zombies find an item, they can pick it up and use it if it is a weapon or armor. If a resident leaves the house at night and is bitten by a zombie, he will turn into a zombie resident and will attack other residents and the player. Zombies cannot climb over fences and fences. In a high level game, zombies can break wooden doors
- Minecraft versions: 1.19.2 /1.19.1 /1.19 /1.18.2 /1.18.1 /1.18 /1.17 /1.16
- ID: zombie

Armor | |
Effect | Turns residents into zombies |
Health | 10 |
Damage | 1.5 |
Experience | 5 |
Where to find zombie
Here’s where you can find zombie in Minecraft, i.e. where zombie in Minecraft.
What zombie gives
Here is what you can get from zombie in Minecraft, i.e. which gives Zombie in Minecraft.
What is useful against zombie
Here are indicated what is useful to use against zombie in Minecraft, i.e. what things will be especially useful zombie in Minecraft.
Summon zombie command
Here is the command that allows you to summon zombie in Minecraft, that is, how to create zombie in Minecraft.
Zombie can be summoned using a command in creative mode.. This requires:
- open chat (press “T”)
- write command
/summon minecraft:zombie
- press “ENTER”
You can also specify the coordinates by which zombie will be called:
/summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~
the current coordinates of the player -
/summon minecraft:zombie 100 ~ 200
X coordinate = 100, Y = current Y coordinate of the caller, Z coordinate = 200 -
/summon minecraft:zombie ~10 50 ~-2
X = current X-coordinate + 10 blocks, Y = 50, Z = current Z-coordinate – 2 blocks
X – coordinate from west to east, Y – height, Z – coordinate from south to north.
Variations of summoning commands zombie:
- Zombies in diamond armour and diamond sword
/summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandItems:[{id:”minecraft:diamond_sword”,Count:1},{}],ArmorItems:[{id:”minecraft:diamond_boots”,Count:1},{id:”minecraft:diamond_leggings”,Count:1},{id:”minecraft:diamond_chestplate”,Count:1},{id:”minecraft:diamond_helmet”,Count:1}]} - zombie with health 50 hearts, damage 10 hearts, summons other zombies
/summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~1 ~ {Health:100,Attributes:[{Name:”generic.maxHealth”,Base:100},{Name:”generic.attackDamage”,Base:20},{Name:”zombie.spawnReinforcements”,Base:0.25f}]}
The command can be written to the command block so that it is executed when a redstone signal is received. This is especially true if the zombie command does not fit in the chat line.