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Tropical tree seedling in a pot

How to craft Potted plants in Minecraft: crafting recipes, resources, photos, tricks and tips.

Tropical tree seedling in a pot in Minecraft

How to craft tropical tree seedling in a pot

Here is how to craft tropical tree seedling in a pot in Minecraft. The crafting recipe specifies the required ingredients and their location in Minecraft.


Get tropical tree seedling in a pot command

Here is the command that allows you to get tropical tree seedling in a pot in Minecraft, that is, how to create tropical tree seedling in a pot in Minecraft.

Tropical tree seedling in a pot can be summoned using a command in creative mode.. This requires:

  1. open chat (press “T”)
  2. write command /give @p minecraft:potted_jungle_sapling
  3. press “ENTER”

You can also specify the number and to whom tropical tree seedling in a pot will be issued:

  1. /give @p minecraft:potted_jungle_sapling 10
    get 10 tropical tree seedling in a pot
  2. /give MinecraftMax minecraft:potted_jungle_sapling
    tropical tree seedling in a pot will be given to the player with the nickname MinecraftMax


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