
How to craft Occupations of residents in Minecraft: crafting recipes, resources, photos, tricks and tips.

Bronnik is a resident who sells emeralds and armor of various types, but buys emeralds, iron ingots, lava, diamonds. He is wearing brown clothes and gloves, wearing a mask-glasses. Bronnik's workplace – smelting furnace. Like all residents, it has levels: beginner, journeyman, artisan, expert, master. The quantity of goods and the price depend on the level, and on the belt of Bronnik the buckle becomes of a different color

  • Minecraft versions: 1.19.2 /1.19.1 /1.19 /1.18.2 /1.18.1 /1.18 /1.17 /1.16
  • ID: villager
Armorer in Minecraft

How to craft armorer

Here is how to craft armorer in Minecraft, i.e. what you need to create armorer in Minecraft.

In order for a common villager to become armorer (get a profession), you need a bed and a worktable (melting furnace). At the same time, both the bed and melting furnace should not be occupied by other villager.

Only after receiving the profession armorer will be able to start trading with the player.


Where to find armorer

Here’s where you can find armorer in Minecraft, i.e. where armorer in Minecraft.


What armorer buys

It is indicated here that armorer buys in Minecraft, i.e. what can be sold to him in Minecraft.

At the first meeting, armorer buys very few goods, but if you trade well with it, the range of purchased goods will expand to: . Prices for different armorer in Minecraft may differ. Therefore, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the assortment of all merchants.

Coal x 15
x 1
x 1
x 1
x 1


What armorer sells

Here it is indicated what can be bought from armorer in Minecraft, i.e. what armorer sells in Minecraft.

At the beginning, you can buy not so many goods from armorer, but if you trade with it, the assortment will gradually expand to: . Prices for different armorer in Minecraft may differ. Therefore, first you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of all sellers.


Summon armorer command

Here is the command that allows you to summon armorer in Minecraft, that is, how to create armorer in Minecraft.

Armorer can be summoned using a command in creative mode.. This requires:

  1. open chat (press “T”)
  2. write command /summon minecraft:villager
  3. press “ENTER”

You can also specify the coordinates by which armorer will be called:

  1. /summon minecraft:villager ~ ~ ~
    the current coordinates of the player
  2. /summon minecraft:villager 100 ~ 200
    X coordinate = 100, Y = current Y coordinate of the caller, Z coordinate = 200
  3. /summon minecraft:villager ~10 50 ~-2
    X = current X-coordinate + 10 blocks, Y = 50, Z = current Z-coordinate – 2 blocks

X – coordinate from west to east, Y – height, Z – coordinate from south to north.


Video about Armorer

Here you can watch a video about Armorer in Minecraft, that is, a selection of videos about Minecraft, where there is Armorer.


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